Our passion for what we do gives you maximum return on your real estate investment.
All Area is New York City’s leading real estate management company specializing in full-service property management for cooperatives and condominiums in the NYC area.
Our goal is protecting your asset and giving you the maximum return on your real estate investment. Our specialized, professional staff gives the same attention to your investment that you would, yet we bring more expertise, more people and more resources to work for you.
Our Team
[us_person image=”4150″ name=”Eleni Magoulas” role=”COO” link=”url:%2Fabout%2Feleni-magoulas” email=”Eleni.Magoulas@aarsny.com” external=””][/us_person]
[us_person image=”4156″ name=”Tasos Magoulas” role=”CEO” link=”url:%2Fabout%2Ftasos-magoulas” email=”tasos.magoulas@aarsny.com” external=””][/us_person]
[us_person image=”4151″ name=”Gary Andriotis” role=”Executive Vice President” link=”%7B%22url%22%3A%22%2Fabout%2Fgary-andriotis%22%7D” email=”gary.androitis@aarsny.com” custom_link=”%7B%22url%22%3A%22%22%7D” external=””][/us_person]